tissus - Trinquette Atelier

Focus on my suppliers and their textile labels

For some time now, you've been hearing about "eco-responsible brands", "eco-responsible commitments", "eco-responsible" labels and so on... But how do you sort it out? How can you be sure that the product you are going to buy is as durable as possible? How do you navigate it and be sure not to be fooled by fine speeches (sometimes a little, even completely misleading...)?

To help you see things more clearly, I decided to tell you about the most common labels in the textile field (OEKO-TEX and GOTS) and their guarantees, then to present my suppliers to you.

I have been particularly attached to transparency since the beginnings of Trinquette. This is why it is very important for me to inform you as much as possible about the origin of the fabrics I use and their certifications so that you can buy with complete conscience.


In textiles, we are lucky: there are not 150,000 labels to study like in food or cosmetics. In fact, there are only 2 textile labels that are mainly used: OEKO-TEX and GOTS. But what do they guarantee?



OEKO TEX was created in 1992. It is a German association which brings together 18 European and Japanese research institutes. The label applies to all types of textiles, it certifies the absence of chemicals at each stage of garment design.

The OEKO TEX label aims to allow professionals in the textile chain and consumers to purchase fabrics without substances harmful to health and which are more responsible . It also makes it possible to certify the transparency of the entire production chain.

🍃 For me, offering fabric without harmful substances is like THE BASIS, or even the minimum! This is why, since the beginnings of Trinquette, I have only worked with quality fabrics that are at least OEKO TEX certified .

Find out even more about the label >

100% Liberty Cotton Fabric · OEKO-TEX® certified - Supplier: COUSETTE 100% cotton fabric · OEKO-TEX® certified - Supplier: MONDIAL TISSU


The GOTS label (Global Organic Textil Standard) is an international label created in 2002 for organic textiles.

GOTS guarantees an ecological and socially responsible mode of production. In fact, it certifies that the materials used are organic from harvest to product design. It also takes into account working conditions during textile processing.

In broad terms, the GOTS label is:

  • The use of certified organic natural fibers (minimum 70% of the fabric),
  • Environmentally friendly production and transformation processes,
  • Respect and improvement of working conditions (no forced labor, freedom of association, respect for health standards, no child labor, fair wages, decent hours, etc.),
  • The absence of use of dangerous inputs such as toxic heavy metals, aromatic solvents, etc.

🥰 The GOTS label is a bit like “the Holy Grail” of labels in the textile industry for me! I therefore try to offer you products with GOTS certified fabrics whenever possible. For this purpose, I surround myself with suppliers who have made it their specialty, such as COUSU BIO or AMANDINE CHA.

Find out even more about the label >

Honeycomb fabric 100% organic cotton · GOTS certified - Supplier: AMANDINE CHA 100% organic cotton fleece · GOTS certified - Supplier: COUSU BIO


At the start of the Trinquette adventure, I asked myself a lot of questions about the suppliers I was going to contact. Is the quality of the fabrics up to par? Do they make Made in France? Under what conditions are fabrics woven, dyed and printed? etc.

After weeks of research, questions and meetings with suppliers, I therefore chose to work with a small selection of companies which favor Made in France / Made in Europe and which offer OEKO-TEX certified fabrics and /or GOTS.



Concerning my fabric suppliers, I also wanted to point out that it is very difficult to find 100% Made in France fabric. It's either way too expensive or impossible. Indeed, if we take the example of cotton: it simply does not grow in France. It is therefore harvested in countries that produce it (such as Benin), then sent to France to be spun, woven, dyed, printed... But it should also be noted that there are very few manufacturing workshops ( weaving, spinning) of fabrics in France, which makes the task of 100% Made in France even more complex.

By choosing GOTS cotton, I have the assurance of having certification across the entire production chain. This is for the moment the best alternative for me, while waiting for other materials such as linen or hemp to be spun in France (but that's another subject 😉).


  • DOMOTEX: this is the supplier I mainly use for my coated cotton fabrics dedicated to flat caps. The fabrics are all OEKO-TEX or GOTS certified and Made in Europe. This is a company that has been around for over 40 years now. They make it a point of honor to provide very high quality fabrics in order to preserve everyone's health.


  • ORGANIC SEWN: this company's mission is to make certified organic cotton fabrics more accessible to preserve the environment and human health. At Cousu bio, almost all of their cotton fabrics are certified by the GOTS label and are Made in Europe.


  • AMANDINE CHA: this company has been offering GOTS certified organic fabrics, woven, dyed and printed in France for more than 10 years. It wishes to offer healthy fabrics for nature and humans while contributing to the promotion of ancestral local know-how. The best of the best!


  • COUSETTE: it is a supplier that offers a wide range of fabrics, mainly OEKO-TEX and GOTS certified. They are designed in France and Made in Europe. This company has existed since 2009 and offers very good quality and ever more responsible fabrics with a range of organic fabrics that is only growing.


  • MONDIAL TISSU: as the leading network for selling fabrics and haberdashery in France, Mondial Tissu is not my preferred contact, because not all of its fabrics are always "perfect". However, Mondial Tissus has had an OEKO-TEX and/or GOTS certified range for several years and it is towards this selection that I turn from time to time when I fall in love with a pattern.


100% cotton gauze · OEKO-TEX® certified - Supplier: DOMOTEX 100% viscose · OEKO-TEX® certified - Supplier: COUSETTE – Atelier Brunette


For haberdashery, we must recognize that it is much easier to find suppliers who offer ORGANIC, Made in France, GOTS certified products...

Where for fabrics it's a bit of an obstacle course 😅, for labels and cords it's rather simple for once 😇.

  • CORDERIE MANSAS: a family business, from father to son since 1925. I call on Corderie Mansas for all the small cords and cords that you can find on my products (on bulk bags, toiletry bags, toiletry pouches). soap…). The cords are 100% organic cotton, GOTS certified and made in France.


  • FRENCH LABEL: it is a company specializing in clothing labels and personalized ribbons. I chose to use this French company to make my little Trinquette Atelier labels that you see everywhere on my products. They are made of 100% organic cotton, GOTS certified and Made in France.


  • THE QUESTION OF PACKAGING: I pay particular attention to the boxes in which I send you the packages, to the adhesive, to the paper to write you the little notes... You may have already noticed this if you have placed an order on my e-shop 😉. For me, this is an essential priority and I ensure that my packaging is as responsible as possible. This is why they are Made in Europe or Made in France and made from 100% recycled paper.


100% cotton cord · GOTS certified - Supplier: Corderie Mansas 100% cotton label · GOTS certified - Supplier: Label Française


Finally, I wanted to end this article with a little reminder about the place of manufacture of Trinquette products. And you know what ? It’s 100% Made in Montpellier! You didn't suspect that, did you? 😜

  • MONTEPELLIER CENTER (34) : this is the main workshop. Installed within a collective of creators "l'Ateliées". This is where I sew the majority of products with Claire, but it is also where I prepare new projects, design new collections, manage communication, suppliers, etc.
  • SAINT MARTIN DE LONDRES (34): it is an independent sewing workshop, within an ESAT (Workplace Assistance Establishment and Service). They help me occasionally by manufacturing certain products during rush periods.


  • LATTES (34): recently I have also been working with “Les Nouvelles Grisettes”. It is a textile manufacturing workshop which operates around a collective of independent seamstresses.

There you go, I hope that after this article you see a little more clearly about the textile industry and the way I operate regarding the choice of my raw materials 😌.

I know, Trinquette is not perfect, but it is doing everything to become so... Indeed, I am constantly trying to reconcile durable fabrics, “affordable” prices and colorful and original designs… but it is not always possible. I therefore chose to do my best: I chose to offer you products for which I have studied the origin of the fabrics, mostly organic textiles and which I buy from small committed companies.

I make it a point of honor to continually look for more ethical and ecological alternatives and to share my discoveries with you as I go.