It's time to look back on my year 2021! Yes, this year has been full of emotions, twists and turns and above all beautiful projects 🥰 After a rather complicated year 2020 with a lot of unforeseen events linked to Covid... I can tell you that this year I made up for it 😅. The year 2021 is undoubtedly THE biggest year for Trinquette (and for me) at all levels and that's why I wanted to share the main points with you.
I started 2021 by recharging the batteries with a short stay in the mountains after the rush of Christmas 2020! This is an opportunity for me to reset my brain, put everything back to normal and start the new year with clear ideas and a free mind. As soon as we return to the workshop, ideas flow, we see things in a big way this year 🤩.
It's February 2021 and it's already buzzing (we didn't waste any time 😜). Trinquette is for the first time on Choose , a private sales application that brings together brands and committed creators. This is great news for Trinquette because it’s a great opportunity to introduce my work and my creations to a wide audience. But it's also a lot of work up front to prepare for the sale and a lot of stress...
But the efforts and work pay off and this first sale is a success 🤩. Note that this is also the very first time that I find myself (with Clairette) preparing and sending around 300 packages in the space of a week 😱. It went so well that we repeated the experience in September 2021 for a new sale following our Spring-Summer collection.

The month of March... How to say? Complex ! For those who remember, I had shoulder surgery and it was pretty painful. I also took the opportunity to share with you my little adventures and those of Marcel (my splint) on Instagram and together we passed the 5000 subscriber mark 😍. Thank you again for all the messages of support I received during this time! For the little update: it's just a bad memory! Brand new shoulder project: check ✅
One of my favorite projects this year: the release of our capsule collection with Morgane (Best of Vanity) and Mariel (le Blog de Néroli) . A collection of 6 accessories designed together from A to Z and which I then made in my workshop in Montpellier 🍋🍋. I really loved this collaboration which went wonderfully and I sincerely thank you for the welcome you gave to this wonderful project!
In addition, we had decided to donate 10% of the sale price to the Le Filon association, a day center located in the 17th arrondissement of Paris, dedicated to isolated women in very precarious situations. I strongly invite you to visit their site to find out more about their actions and why not to make a small donation to give them strength and more means.
In May 2021, I released a small limited edition collection for spring-summer. I had a lot of fun with lots of new ultra colorful and floral patterns and it's a collection that you particularly appreciated 🙏.
It was also in May that I decided to completely overhaul Trinquette's visual identity. So I went looking for a great graphic designer for this new project!

In June it's time to move! My darling and I are leaving our apartment in Montpellier to spend the summer on the water for our greatest happiness! 🌊
I also had the opportunity to participate in the Lez market with Trinquette thanks to Audrey from "Agence Couture" who provides creators with a small van (a courier) so that we can exhibit our creations for a week. A great experience and one more opportunity to meet you in real life!
Ah summer 2021... A period where I was a little absent on the networks... And for good reason! You know now, I was preparing a happy event, but the first months were not easy 🤢 😅
It's a bit like THE secret project of this year that I hid from you for a few months, even if a few smart people smelled the trick 😜

In September the energy returns a little, the first trimester is over, so let's move on! Purchase of an apartment and start of work to have a nice cozy little nest.
And for Trinquette? It's time for the release of the Fall-Winter collection that I prepared during the summer. A collection in small quantities as usual with lots of special designs 🍁.
You also got to hear me for the first time on the radio! Indeed, I was interviewed by Phillipe MONTAY in “circuit court” a France Bleu Hérault program which highlights local initiatives and artisans. A super interesting exercise to present Trinquette in a few sentences (and especially to learn how to manage your stress 🤣).
For the month of October, I hadn't planned anything in particular... I was quietly watching TV when I heard the moving testimony of Emilie Daudin ( The Brunette ) on cancer of the Triple Negative breast. I asked myself what I could do to help on my own scale and I quickly understood that donating for research was one of the most effective solutions!
Neither one nor two, I decided to release a batch of favorites and donate the ENTIRE profits to the Gustave Roussy Institute. And as usual: you were there 🥰.

In November 2021, we took Trinquette on a trip to Paris to the Made in France show 🇫🇷. It was a very enriching experience for me, ever since I dreamed of seeing Trinquette there, it is now a reality! I was able to meet you there and it's always a pleasure, but I was also able to present my new visual identity to you in a full-size version signed by Amarillon Studio 🤩.
But November is also birthday season at Trinquette! We managed to find some time among all these events to celebrate Claire's 1st birthday by my side in this crazy adventure, but also: Trinquette's 2nd birthday 🎂
Ah! We also released a Christmas collection 🤣. Yes, we weren't going to leave you without pretty eco-responsible packaging for the holidays! So I've put together a bunch of furoshikis and Christmas bags to add even more magic under your tree while respecting the planet 🎄.
And to end the year in style: Trinquette was present throughout the month of December at the “Les Hivernales” Christmas market in Montpellier. Another great first for Trinquette!
I was also lucky enough to have a real amazing team to help me throughout the month: the Trinquette girls 🤩!
- My mom: she never misses an opportunity to say that her daughter's creations are fantastic (and it's true 🤣), always going all out, even after 12 hours in the cold, she is unstoppable!
- Claire: the queen of the workshop throughout the month of December! A real Mother Christmas who sent you all your packages to place under the tree. You also had the opportunity to meet her a few times at the Christmas market.
- Caroline: always with a smile, you start to know her more and more! You saw her a lot at the Christmas market and she helped us make a few items when stocks ran out.
- THE GIRLS (and the boy) OF ESAT des Hautes Guarrigues in St Martin de Londres, because they are also real Trinquette girls/boys! A special thank you to Audrey, the workshop manager, who allowed us to last the whole month of December thanks to her responsiveness, as well as the seamstresses, always ready to make Trinquette products: Mélanie, Marie Christine , Fatiha, Ferroudja, Céline and Jordan.

Now heading towards 2022! With many new projects in mind, but first a good period of rest with maternity leave in perspective. I will kindly entrust the boat to Clairette so that I can rest and calmly prepare for the baby's arrival. And for those who are curious, my “little assistant” is indeed a little boy who is due at the end of February 🐣.
While waiting for you to make fun of me and my future dark circles 🙈, I wish you a very happy new year 2022 filled with happiness and wonderful projects 🎉.
And above all, a big THANK YOU to all of you for this wonderful year that you have given me!