emballages cadeaux zero dechet. Furoshiki

Top 3 zero waste gift wraps

Christmas is, without a doubt, THE most anticipated holiday of the year , but it is also the festival of waste... Do you have the image in mind? That of the mountain of paper after opening the presents 🙈.

So, what are some zero waste, sustainable, yet pretty alternatives to traditional wrapping paper?

In this article, we give you our ideas for switching to “zero waste gift wrapping” mode with easy-to-implement tips, for packages that are just as beautiful, but eco-friendly! 🎁


Under its complicated name, furoshiki is actually a simple wrapping technique . You cover your gift with this piece of fabric using a method similar to that of origami. A knot to secure everything and voila! All that's left to do is place it under the tree!

But actually, do we keep it or give it away? This is the eternal question that comes up every year. In fact, it’s whatever you want! 😊 You can collect your furoshikis after the big unboxing (no one has ever been offended with us) or offer them to your loved ones who can then reuse them to give a gift in turn.

🎁 Want to try furoshikis? At Trinquette, we put them in the spotlight in our Christmas collection this year. There are lots of pretty colors and various sizes to suit all your gifts. It's right here: Christmas collection .


Another alternative to disposable wrapping paper: fabric bags . Perfect for slipping in a book, cosmetics, a board game... All you have to do is carefully close the cord and that's it . Just like furoshikis, you can take them back or offer them to your loved ones at the end of the evening.

The ultimate? Our bags are handmade from OEKO-TEX certified fabrics, non-toxic and suitable for food use . They can therefore be used perfectly as bulk bags after the holidays (or to store jewelry, underwear, etc.) while waiting to bring them out again the following year. We optimize uses at Trinquette 🥰.

👉 Find our pretty gift bags right here: Christmas collection .

Christmas bag Christmas bag Christmas bag


Your guests are here! You no longer have time to get a furoshiki or a pretty pouch? Don't panic, we have a few options that can deceive you! 😇

- Recycle your papers: you certainly have lots of little unsuspected wonders at home that you can use to wrap your gifts. You can use old newspapers , old road maps , even the scores from your CM2 flute lessons will have the most beautiful effect!

- The gift jar: slip your gift into a large transparent jar (those used to store your bulk products can do the trick) and surround it with a fabric ribbon, for a festive touch.

- Traditional Christmas socks: slip your smallest gifts into... socks! Extra gift or pair stolen from the wardrobe, this improvised packaging will, in any case, not cause any waste.

- Bonus: if you really can't resist the urge to use gift paper 🫣, we advise you to use kraft paper and close your packages with string (so as not to use tape) . You can then keep your packaging to make drawings, collages or folds with your children or those of your loved ones.

Homemade alternativesHomemade alternativesHomemade alternatives

✨ The “Touch” Trinquette : take a little walk in the woods or at the bottom of your garden (if you have one) to decorate your packaging with natural decorative elements . Dried flowers, leaves, holly… We love it!

There you go, we hope that this article has been able to shed some light on the issue of zero waste gift wrapping . Obviously, there is no "perfect" solution, but rethinking our patterns, our consumption patterns and trying to find alternatives is already a first step 😉.

Don't hesitate to give us your opinion in the comments and share photos of your eco-friendly packaging on our Instagram account 🥰.

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